Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Touching Moment (30 Dec 15)

Due to certain incident, the mother forced to take care of few children alone. Unfortunately, they faced constrain medically and financially.

The mother awared that she has short- sightedness and need a spec, yet she didn't bought it. "If have extra money, I better buy something for the child," she said.

For me, the spec is one of the basic needs. Yet the mother willing to sacrifice her needs for the children.

Just can do my part and hopefully the organization referred can do more for them. Wish them all is well..

Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Touching Moment (29 Dec 15)

"Mr. Z sent his regards and apologized for not able to be with you all in this moment. He asked me to do what ever I can to assist you to go through this difficult moment..."

The patient passed away, but their counselor is not around that moment to accompany the parents. After introduced myself and greeting, the parents shared their concerns and also how the previous counselor support them to go through the difficulties.

Thanks for the hard work of previous counselor done, it smoother our process in supporting them.

Wish the baby RIP and the parents able to move on..

Monday, 28 December 2015

Touching Moment (28 Dec 15)

It's good that when we feel lost, there are some mentors that we can talk to, guide us through the difficulties.

We can't know everything, but if we humble ourselves in learning, we grow. :-)

Sunday, 27 December 2015

今天之小感动(27 Dec 15)



今天之小感动(26 Dec 15)



虽然财务上,他暂时失去财富。情谊上,他却获得更大财富。 :-)

Friday, 25 December 2015

Touching Moment (25 Dec 15)

In this festive season, so fortune to have parents accompany throughout the Christmas day, eating nice foods and preparing for new year.

Enjoying this great Moment :-D

Thursday, 24 December 2015

今天之小感动 (24 Dec 15)


“我们现在还没庆祝啊~ 等我们收档了,和员工一起开香槟庆祝!”


Wish everyone, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! :-D

Sunday, 20 December 2015

今天之小感动(21 Dec 15)



惜福,感恩。 :-)

提前祝大家,冬至快乐。 :-D

Friday, 18 December 2015

Touching Moment (18 Dec 15)

"Can I know whether my husband's organ is useful for the person? I want to share this in his funeral. Hope that he still can help others even after he is dead..."

Appreciate the deceased and family willing to give others the second chance to live. His spirit will live in others' life.

Thursday, 17 December 2015

今天之小感动 (17 Dec 15)



感谢身边总有朋友同事给我不同的blessing. =D

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Touching Moment (16 Dec 15)

Early in the morning, attend our consultant and acting HOD's presentation on our department, followed by interesting sharing session by colleague.

Moreover, throughout the day, glad to provide couple of fruitful counseling sessions to support patients and family members.

Happy to gain work satisfaction and achieve personal growth in my job. Love being a counselor. :-D

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

今天之小感动 (15 Dec 15)


回去办公司一看,原来是巧克力啊~ 谢谢同事,给我的一天加了甜甜的味道。 :-D

Touching Moment (14 Dec 15)

Knowing he has a heart disease and can't work, the neighbor concerns about the patient's life. Thus he ask the patient to prepare relevant documents, he try to approach others to arrange financial assistance for him.

"You have already burdened by illness, you shouldn't be added your burden in other aspects of life."

Appreciate the kindness of the neighbor. :-)

Sunday, 13 December 2015

今天之小感动(13 Dec 15)



今天之小感动 (12 Dec 15)



祝福那对新人啦。 ;-)

Friday, 11 December 2015

今天之小感动(11 Dec 15)



今天之小感动 (10 Dec 15)




Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Touching Moment (9 Dec 15)

This is the first time I meet the family, but I am not bringing any good news for the family. Thus, I expected she will be a bit withdraw like what I faced before.

Surprisingly, at the first session, she put her trust in me. At the end of the session, she said :"I know who you are, I meet you before."

I was stunned. My brain have a quick scan but I can't recall where I met her.

I think she can read my face, she smiled and continued :" You visit a patient beside our bed before. They have talked about you with us."

Well, totally didn't expect that. Thanks for the patient smoothen the process of providing supports to this family. :-)

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

今天之小感动(8 Dec 15)



放下,并不容易。庆幸他办到了。 =)

Touching Moment (7 Dec 15)

While counsel a family, suddenly I saw a familiar face coming into a room, but at that point I can't recall where I saw him.

After the session, I have a short discussion with these two doctors. Suddenly doctor A said to another doc:
"Actually I met Keith before, he supports my wife and I when our baby in ICU one year + before."

That's ring the bell! After that the doctor showed me the baby's photo and told me his recent condition. Glad that they are doing well too. :-D

Sunday, 6 December 2015

Touching Moment (6 Dec 15)

Was surprise when I saw someone with visual limitation travel alone from Penang to KL by bus.

In the journey, I have seen the driver and other passengers take turn to assist him. After seeing few people offering their help, I suppose one of the reasons he dare to travel alone is he knows throughout the journey, there will always kind people ready to help him. :-)

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Touching Moment (5 Dec 15)

They are coming from far, staying in hospital alone and no relatives around.

Later, the boy went for high risk operation. As grandfather has financial difficulty, NGO and our department did come in picture to provide helps.

However, instead of buying food for himself, the grandfather control his appetite and buy some clothes.

"We are from the poor family. This is the only time I have money and chance to buy clothes for my grand son," he said.

Feel sad for what had happened, and thankful for other NGO who also supports and gives help. In society there are people who need our attention, hope each of everyone can do our part to make a better society.

Friday, 4 December 2015

Touching Moment (4 Dec 15)

Before go to bus station, bring myself a few chocolate.

While waiting at TBS, as expected, the bus delay again. And this time is one hour. Well, since it is already the fact, I just sit down, relax and observe the passengers and staffs.

It is no easy to handle a bunch of anger and impatient people at the same time remain their professionalism. No doubt some staffs have done excellent job on that.

Instead of taking chocolate, I gave these chocolate for these staffs as an acknowledgement. Although it is a small gift, just want them to know that we appreciate their contributions. :-)

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Touching Moment (3 Dec 15)

Beside discussing the progress of research, both of my supervisors also spend time to discuss about my self care, being considerate the challenges I face and treat me a nice meal.

They said: "in our practice, teachers should take good care of their students."

Feel so grateful to have both of them as my supervisors.

Now, rest well. :-D

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Touching Moment (2 Dec 15)

Feel amaze by the passions of some of my friends towards counseling.

In these years, they are challenged by the University requirements, yet they actively participating in NGO, psychology and counseling related area, collecting experience and seeking for chance to further study again.

They really inspire me, and remind me to remain my passions in helping professions. Thanks to them for becoming a good role model in life. :-D

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

今天之小感动 (1 Dec 15)


终于,她达到了目标,会心一笑,想起了 inside out 的女主角,也是会以自己的想象力,给自己带来无数欢乐。

不仅想起 Einstein 的一句话,
" logic can only bring you from A to B,
Imagination can bring you to everywhere." :-D