Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Touching Moment (30 Dec 15)

Due to certain incident, the mother forced to take care of few children alone. Unfortunately, they faced constrain medically and financially.

The mother awared that she has short- sightedness and need a spec, yet she didn't bought it. "If have extra money, I better buy something for the child," she said.

For me, the spec is one of the basic needs. Yet the mother willing to sacrifice her needs for the children.

Just can do my part and hopefully the organization referred can do more for them. Wish them all is well..

Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Touching Moment (29 Dec 15)

"Mr. Z sent his regards and apologized for not able to be with you all in this moment. He asked me to do what ever I can to assist you to go through this difficult moment..."

The patient passed away, but their counselor is not around that moment to accompany the parents. After introduced myself and greeting, the parents shared their concerns and also how the previous counselor support them to go through the difficulties.

Thanks for the hard work of previous counselor done, it smoother our process in supporting them.

Wish the baby RIP and the parents able to move on..

Monday, 28 December 2015

Touching Moment (28 Dec 15)

It's good that when we feel lost, there are some mentors that we can talk to, guide us through the difficulties.

We can't know everything, but if we humble ourselves in learning, we grow. :-)

Sunday, 27 December 2015

今天之小感动(27 Dec 15)



今天之小感动(26 Dec 15)



虽然财务上,他暂时失去财富。情谊上,他却获得更大财富。 :-)

Friday, 25 December 2015

Touching Moment (25 Dec 15)

In this festive season, so fortune to have parents accompany throughout the Christmas day, eating nice foods and preparing for new year.

Enjoying this great Moment :-D

Thursday, 24 December 2015

今天之小感动 (24 Dec 15)


“我们现在还没庆祝啊~ 等我们收档了,和员工一起开香槟庆祝!”


Wish everyone, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! :-D

Sunday, 20 December 2015

今天之小感动(21 Dec 15)



惜福,感恩。 :-)

提前祝大家,冬至快乐。 :-D

Friday, 18 December 2015

Touching Moment (18 Dec 15)

"Can I know whether my husband's organ is useful for the person? I want to share this in his funeral. Hope that he still can help others even after he is dead..."

Appreciate the deceased and family willing to give others the second chance to live. His spirit will live in others' life.

Thursday, 17 December 2015

今天之小感动 (17 Dec 15)



感谢身边总有朋友同事给我不同的blessing. =D

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Touching Moment (16 Dec 15)

Early in the morning, attend our consultant and acting HOD's presentation on our department, followed by interesting sharing session by colleague.

Moreover, throughout the day, glad to provide couple of fruitful counseling sessions to support patients and family members.

Happy to gain work satisfaction and achieve personal growth in my job. Love being a counselor. :-D

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

今天之小感动 (15 Dec 15)


回去办公司一看,原来是巧克力啊~ 谢谢同事,给我的一天加了甜甜的味道。 :-D

Touching Moment (14 Dec 15)

Knowing he has a heart disease and can't work, the neighbor concerns about the patient's life. Thus he ask the patient to prepare relevant documents, he try to approach others to arrange financial assistance for him.

"You have already burdened by illness, you shouldn't be added your burden in other aspects of life."

Appreciate the kindness of the neighbor. :-)

Sunday, 13 December 2015

今天之小感动(13 Dec 15)



今天之小感动 (12 Dec 15)



祝福那对新人啦。 ;-)

Friday, 11 December 2015

今天之小感动(11 Dec 15)



今天之小感动 (10 Dec 15)




Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Touching Moment (9 Dec 15)

This is the first time I meet the family, but I am not bringing any good news for the family. Thus, I expected she will be a bit withdraw like what I faced before.

Surprisingly, at the first session, she put her trust in me. At the end of the session, she said :"I know who you are, I meet you before."

I was stunned. My brain have a quick scan but I can't recall where I met her.

I think she can read my face, she smiled and continued :" You visit a patient beside our bed before. They have talked about you with us."

Well, totally didn't expect that. Thanks for the patient smoothen the process of providing supports to this family. :-)

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

今天之小感动(8 Dec 15)



放下,并不容易。庆幸他办到了。 =)

Touching Moment (7 Dec 15)

While counsel a family, suddenly I saw a familiar face coming into a room, but at that point I can't recall where I saw him.

After the session, I have a short discussion with these two doctors. Suddenly doctor A said to another doc:
"Actually I met Keith before, he supports my wife and I when our baby in ICU one year + before."

That's ring the bell! After that the doctor showed me the baby's photo and told me his recent condition. Glad that they are doing well too. :-D

Sunday, 6 December 2015

Touching Moment (6 Dec 15)

Was surprise when I saw someone with visual limitation travel alone from Penang to KL by bus.

In the journey, I have seen the driver and other passengers take turn to assist him. After seeing few people offering their help, I suppose one of the reasons he dare to travel alone is he knows throughout the journey, there will always kind people ready to help him. :-)

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Touching Moment (5 Dec 15)

They are coming from far, staying in hospital alone and no relatives around.

Later, the boy went for high risk operation. As grandfather has financial difficulty, NGO and our department did come in picture to provide helps.

However, instead of buying food for himself, the grandfather control his appetite and buy some clothes.

"We are from the poor family. This is the only time I have money and chance to buy clothes for my grand son," he said.

Feel sad for what had happened, and thankful for other NGO who also supports and gives help. In society there are people who need our attention, hope each of everyone can do our part to make a better society.

Friday, 4 December 2015

Touching Moment (4 Dec 15)

Before go to bus station, bring myself a few chocolate.

While waiting at TBS, as expected, the bus delay again. And this time is one hour. Well, since it is already the fact, I just sit down, relax and observe the passengers and staffs.

It is no easy to handle a bunch of anger and impatient people at the same time remain their professionalism. No doubt some staffs have done excellent job on that.

Instead of taking chocolate, I gave these chocolate for these staffs as an acknowledgement. Although it is a small gift, just want them to know that we appreciate their contributions. :-)

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Touching Moment (3 Dec 15)

Beside discussing the progress of research, both of my supervisors also spend time to discuss about my self care, being considerate the challenges I face and treat me a nice meal.

They said: "in our practice, teachers should take good care of their students."

Feel so grateful to have both of them as my supervisors.

Now, rest well. :-D

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Touching Moment (2 Dec 15)

Feel amaze by the passions of some of my friends towards counseling.

In these years, they are challenged by the University requirements, yet they actively participating in NGO, psychology and counseling related area, collecting experience and seeking for chance to further study again.

They really inspire me, and remind me to remain my passions in helping professions. Thanks to them for becoming a good role model in life. :-D

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

今天之小感动 (1 Dec 15)


终于,她达到了目标,会心一笑,想起了 inside out 的女主角,也是会以自己的想象力,给自己带来无数欢乐。

不仅想起 Einstein 的一句话,
" logic can only bring you from A to B,
Imagination can bring you to everywhere." :-D

Monday, 30 November 2015

今天之小感动 (30 Nov 15)




辅导,一些时候只是单纯的人与人之间的连接。 =)

Sunday, 29 November 2015

今天之小感动(29 Nov 15)


再怎样都好,快乐,安全,健康,才是生命中重要的。自寻的烦恼,还是少些的好。 :-P

今天之小感动(28 Nov 15) ~~~





Saturday, 28 November 2015

今天之小感动(27 Nov 15)




Thursday, 26 November 2015

Touching Moment (26 Nov 15)

Parents: "Your job is seriously not easy. Every day you need to spend 8 hours listening to other people's problem. How do you manage your stress afterward."

I :"Well, I have some good friends and family always ready to support me. And you are far better than me. I just spend 8 hours a day listening other people's issue, both of you spend 24 hours a day facing the challenges."

Appreciate their acknowledgement and courage in facing their challenge. :-)

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Touching Moment (25 Nov 15)

One of the questions I always ask:
"Someday, if you pass away, what would you like to be remembered by your love one?"

His answer is:
"I want to be remembered as a happy person, a gift from God." :-)

What about you? What would you like to be remembered by us? ;-)

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Touching Moment (24 Nov 15)

"Although I have terminal illness, I don't want to just sit down and cry. I still want to live my life."

Of course they didn't forget the fact that they might pass away, but they try to live the best from their life.

Appreciate that patients always become teachers in our life.

Monday, 23 November 2015

今天之小感动 (23 Nov 15)


通过他们的关系借书,问资料,拿到journals 资讯等等等。

十分感激他们的仗义相助。很多时候这进修确实是得独自一人奋斗的过程,但是旁人的协助和提点也让我格外温馨。感恩。 =)

Sunday, 22 November 2015

今天之小感动(22 Nov 15)


不过,昨天当他感觉好转后,他毅然继续参加他之前已报名的 Penang Bridge Marathon.

虽然有病症的挑战,他以自己的意志力,战胜了自己。祝福他 ;-)

Saturday, 21 November 2015

今天之小感动 (21 Nov 15)




Friday, 20 November 2015

Touching Moment (20 Nov 15)

Don't know why, suddenly down with headache and fever when I am in hospital.

Feel thankful for my colleague helping to cover my tasks, buying me 100+, and send me to the station so that I can go back home. 

It's good to have someone to care and support when we are sick. Appreciate it. :-)

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Touching Moment (19 Nov 15)

Had an exciting presentation to UPSI students in the morning.

Later pay a visit to colleague who just give born to her baby during lunch time.

In the afternoon, conduct few fruitful counseling sessions.

What a tired but satisfied day. Time for self care. :-P

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Touching Moment (18 Nov 15)

Overlook certain admin procedure in university, I need to go here and there to get things done.

No doubt is a messy process, however, appreciate that all people I meet today be nice to me and trying their best to help me sort out the issues.

After many years, still feel good for able to be a student again. :-P

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Touching Moment (17 Nov 15)

While riding my motor, suddenly heard a shout behind me.

Due to many incidents happen recently, I am shock, quickly stop by and turn around.

The fact is... I forgot to close a part of my bag I am holding on, and the motorcyclist shouted just to remind me, so that things in the bag won't fall out. Appreciate his concern. =)

Monday, 16 November 2015

今天之小感动(16 Nov 15)




Sunday, 15 November 2015

Touching Moment (15 Nov 15)

He has gone through difficult periods after having stroke, yet he never give up.

Today, it's good to see he is able to be independent again, doing what he loves, and embrace his life.

Wish him well. :-)

Friday, 13 November 2015

今天之小感动 (13 Nov 15)



美丽的事物,会不自觉的发生在身边,看的是自己是否有欣赏的眼和心。 :-)

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Touching Moment (12 Nov 15)

Something to learn from the children:
They could be happy over a very simple things.

Unlike adults, sometimes need to try so hard in order to achieve something significant to be happy.

Happy could be very simple, it's only depending whether our heart and mind able to notice and feel it. :-)

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

今天之小感动 (11 Nov 15)




Sunday, 8 November 2015

Touching Moment (8 Nov 15)

If studying is just to get the great result, the process could be torturing.

However, if we can experience the excitement in discovering new knowledge, and enjoying the learning process would be one of the greatest gift we can get.

Hope that I can maintain the experience of joy in continuous studying. =)

Saturday, 7 November 2015

今天之小感动 (7 Nov 15)

由于状况连连 ,终于要告别旧电脑,迎接新电脑了。


说实话,旧电脑这几年来并没有给我太大的问题 ,还帮助了我不少。很感激它陪我经过了 Master 生涯,承受了UCSI, PBU和 现在 IJN的 工作量,帮了我一次又一次的讲座,还有好些时光。

谢谢你, Toshiba。
欢迎你, Asus。

今天之小感动(6 Nov 15)



Thursday, 5 November 2015

Touching Moment (5 Nov 15)

While we are having our dinner, a guy came in and sell tissues for us, my friend bought it.

Later she explains :" Probably you don't understand why I want to help the guy. I saw his passion towards life. Everyone wish to have a better life, and they are fighting for it. I just make my little effort to help him..."

"I afraid word of " compassion" will disappear in the dictionary of humanity..."

Feel grateful for her help.
Hope that compassion appear not only in her, but everyone of us..

今天之小感动(4 Nov 15)



换来的,是成功实现对自己的承诺,还有,他人的开心微笑。 :-)

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

今天之小感动(3 Nov 15)





Monday, 2 November 2015

Touching Moment(2 Nov 15)

Being in hospital, he has chance to postpone his SPM, but yet, he choose to attend exam in hospital.

"At least I try to do it," he said.

No matter what is his result, he won my respect on his passion of trying and never give up. All the best to him. :-)

Saturday, 31 October 2015

Touching Moment (31 Oct 15)

Heading to the lift, I saw a lady with a around 4 year old child. The child keep on waving to the strangers, including me, smile and say " bye bye" ~

We did receive the warm greeting and return with a smile and greet. At the same time, it reminds me that even the child can spread happiness to strangers, and why can't we?

A greet and a smile to others might means a lot to others. So please don't forget to be happy tomorrow. Cheers ;-)

PS: Happy Halloween :-P

Friday, 30 October 2015

Touching Moment (30 Oct 15)

Because the 3 year old child doesn't want to separate with the parents, so we let him in the counseling room. Breaking the news about the child's condition, the mother can't hold herself and drop her tears. 

The moment the child see the mother was crying, he quickly run to the mother and give the mother a big hug. 

The hug really means a lot to the mother. What a sweet child. =) 

Thursday, 29 October 2015

今天之小感动 (29 Oct 15)



Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Touching Moment (28 Oct 15)

She knows the patient might only have few days to be in this world. Feeling sad for her, she still try her best to support her.

Before the patient discharged, she smile and said :" you are such a beautiful girl."

Even though she might face the end of her journey, what she left behind in this world are treasures of kindness and beautiful.

Wish her well.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

今天之小感动(27 Oct 15)



Forgiveness doesn't change the past, but it does enlarge the future. :-)

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Touching Moment(26 Oct 15)

Normally I won't meet her in person as she is a nurse station in OT.

Today, she brought a mother to us, asking help on behalf of the mother as she know her husband just pass away and she has no one to turn to.

Moreover, she try to bring the mother around IJN to help her familiarize with the environment, hope to reduce her anxious.

Feel grateful to work with passionate nurse like her. :-)

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

今天之小感动(21 Oct 15)


也喜欢这相视一笑,没说什么,却心照不宣的默契。 =D

(PS:虽然说,这笑很有取笑我的成分。 >.<)

Monday, 19 October 2015

今天之小感动 (19 Oct 15)


谢谢朋友体谅我的工作性质,知道我忙,就主动取消约定。庆幸身边总有朋友包容我那些缺点。感恩。 :-)

Sunday, 18 October 2015

今天之小感动(18 Oct 15)



感恩,就算久没联络,他们仍然愿意信任我。 :-)

Saturday, 17 October 2015

Touching Moment (17 Oct 15)

As a counselor in hospital, she witness the child lost her only immediate family, being sent to orphanage home after that.

Later, she went to orphanage home to visit the child. The child still remember her and feel excited about her visit.

Giving some present to her, they spend some great time together. At least for the child, there are someone in this world is still care about her.

Bravo for her great job. :-D

Friday, 16 October 2015

Touching Moment (16 October 15)

Unfortunately, my colleague is admitted yesterday night because of dengue.

After get the news, within a day, nearly every colleagues in my department pay him a visit different times to show our concerns.

It is not a easy journey for him, but feel touch to see colleague are supporting one another. Wish this seed of caring can continue grow. :-)

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Touching Moment (13 Oct 15)

"I have only one dad. He is a very... very nice father... He loves us very much..."
"I just don't want to lost him..."

While listening to her, I can sense her lost, sense her feelings.. Hopefully every efforts we made can at least ease their pain..

Hope all is well..

Monday, 12 October 2015

今天之小感动(12 Oct 15)


或许,这就是分享的魔力。 :-)

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Touching Moment (11 Oct 15)

Visit to KL Pac 2015 and have seen an exhibition, witness the beauty of "Smile" from different place, races and countries.

Reminded me a quote of smile
"A warm smile is the universal language of kindness." 

Let us spread the kindness together with our warm smile. =) 

Saturday, 10 October 2015

Touching Moment (10 Oct 15)

She is going for working holiday.

Although sometimes I will tease her for no responds, yet appreciate that before she goes, she try to make time for us to meet up.

Hope that all is well for her. :-)

Thursday, 8 October 2015

今天之小感动(8 Oct 15)~~~




感恩,可以和她一起服务。也让我想起以前的好老板呢,哈哈 :-P

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Touching Moment (7 Oct 15)

In our department, we will take turn to give a sharing session for our own continous development. Today is our intern presentation.

Of course, there is always room to improve. However, it is great to see her improvement since she newly join in the department. Appreciate her willingness to learn and passionate in counseling. :-)

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Touching Moment (6 Oct 15)

While going for usual ward round, I saw the children were holding gifts. Some volunteers have paid the patients a visit and give them something to show their supports.

Behind the gifts, there are love and care for the patients in needs.

Being part of the society, everyone have their social responsibility. Feeling grateful there are people who play their roles, making this world a better place to live in. :-)

Sunday, 4 October 2015

今天之小感动(4 Oct 15)~~~

下午赶工后,休息一下打算晚上继续,怎料电脑又坏了,我没 back up,而且两三个星期前才修啊~ @@

回去给“医生”检查的时候,一直处理自己的心情。四年的电脑总会开始出状况了,果然,这次“医生”诊断是 LED screen 的问题,如果不修它的话,最多只有六个月的“寿命”。

目前,还没拿定主意是否要修,就拖延下。不过,也给了我一些反思,这情节,好像病人给医生末期,剩下六个月的性命,接下来该何去何从。该“动手术”?还是 palliative care 了呢?(我的职业病?@@)



Friday, 2 October 2015

Touching Moment (2 October 15)

Frankly speaking, I don't think she had much interaction with me. Yet she invited me to give a lecture class with her master students.

Not sure what I have done to deserve the honor, but appreciate her trust. Hope that the info can send across to the students. :-)

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

今天之小感动(29 September 15)~~~



认识这老师,也是我们的福气。 =)

Monday, 28 September 2015

Touching Moment (28 September 15)

His progression of illness was not well, making him concern about what will happened next.

Yet, when another patient call him, he try his best to give support to the patient, hope that the patient can go through the difficult moments.

At the same time, he knows he is not alone in facing the situation... Glad that they can support each other. :-)

Touching Moment (27 September 15)

It take us 9 hours travel from Lumut to my KL house, including dinner and supper.

No doubt is a tiring journey, but feel grateful that friends were with me, talking and laughing together. ( wink wink ;-)  )

Of course there are difficult times in life, however feel appreciate to have someone be with me to go through these in my life :-)

Friday, 25 September 2015

Touching Moment (25 September 15)

He first met her in secondary school Form 1, however, because of some incident, she left school and he lost contact with her.

After few years, they met again in some event, and he spended years to be in relationship with her, being rejected once but at last together and get married after few years.

Although both of them are with illness, they too deserve true love, supporting each other throughout their life. :-)

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Touching Moment (24 September 15)

Passing by a house, there was uncle planting vegetables in front of his house. The uncle noticed me stand there, asked :"Do you know how to plant vegetable? I am the new learner, if you plant it before you can teach me."

Well, I don't know but still start to have a short conversation with the uncle. Later some little kids come out and expose with how the uncle planted the vegetables. 

It is great to see that the children have chance to build relationship with nature, slowly enhance their caring characters towards environments. =)

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Touching Moment (22 September 15)

She told me that when she was given task in school to write an essay title " confident", she wrote I am the one who gave her confident.

Never thought that some day my client will write me as main character to enhance her confident level. Feel touched and glad that she is getting better.

Hope that she is able to go through obstacles and have a brighter and healthier future. :-D

Monday, 21 September 2015

Touching Moment (21 September 15)

Can't help but feel moody today because of certain incident.
Acknowledge the emotion is part of me, I allowed myself to have some grieving period.

Appreciate that my friends and colleagues' support during this period.

Colleague A: Give yourself some time to moody.
Friend B: Don't give up!
Friend C: Give yourself some times to rest tonight..
Friend D Frequent check in to see whether I am ok.
Doc: No to worry, we can try again.
And others..

Feeling grateful that if I needed supports, there are someone there for me. =)

Sunday, 20 September 2015

今天之小感动 (20 September 15)



祝福大家。 :-)

Saturday, 19 September 2015

今天之小感动 (19 September 15)


而家人亲戚总在这方面提点,让我每次遇到状况,都有不同的“专业人士”协助。感恩有他们。 =)

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Touching Moment (17 September 15)

"Do you know? Today is our God Ganesha day, Ganesh Chaturthi. Every year, our family and I will pray at temple, ......"

It is great to hear my nurse's colleague shared about the story and enjoy the beauty of their culture.

To my Indian friend, blessed Ganesh Chaturthi. =)

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Touching Moment (16 September 15)

With the name of Malaysia day, they gathered us together, then planned a surprise birthday celebration for him.

Enjoy feelings of making other people happy. ;-)

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Touching Moment (15 September 15)

Morning, after counseling and department meeting, we celebrated colleagues' birthday, so makan~

Afternoon, after meeting and giving in house training to nurse, there is an appreciation for trainers, so makan again.

Well, although feel a bit guilty to eat a lot, I feel blessed by my colleagues. :-)

Sunday, 13 September 2015

Touching Moment (13 September 15)

While discussing paper for few hours, her daughter waited patiently, doing her own things without seeking for attention.

I am impressed with her understanding and patient. It is not easy to wait patiently for few hours. At the same time, appreciate that during my childhood, my parents always have time for me.

Not everyone is blessed to have good time with someone we love and care. Hope she could have more of the quality time. :-)

Friday, 11 September 2015

今天之小感动 (11 Sep 15)


或许本身的性格比较大而化之,对一些细节并不太在意在乎,感恩身旁却常有人提点在意,圆满生活不足的部分。感恩。 =)

Thursday, 10 September 2015

今天之小感动(10 Sep 15)~~~



Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Touching Moment(9 September 15)~~~

"All I need is just strawberry dip with chocolate, or a big big ice cream!”

My friend definitely has a good personality, easily being satisfied and gained happiness!

This remind me that our happiness is not only determined by how much we have, but how much we appreciate and enjoy. =)  

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Touching Moment (8 September 15)

Our team have worked on a PCHC Magazine for months, and finally heard that it was successfully sent to the office. Although still haven't seen the final product, I felt proud of the team able to make the magazine a success!

Hope that these magazine could help the patients and families in needs deal with issues they faced. =)

Monday, 7 September 2015

Touching Moment (7 September 15)

"If the patient transfer to other hospital, can I go and visit the patient? His family supports are relatively poor, I just want to let him know that in this world, there are still someone that care about him.."

It is my honor to have her as an intern. Compassion and great spirit! :-D

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Touching Moment (6 September 15)

Both of us come back to workplace everyday this week, including Saturday and Sunday, except doing normal work routine, also because of attending workshop and edit paper.

Expect the similar pattern next week, but yet, able to find something positive through these busy moments. A cup of coffee, some cookies, meeting with someone and have some good times, get a good sleep, and ~ move on! :-)

今天之小感动(5 September 15)~~~

“理想,让你 visualize 你以后想要的生活, 让你每天充满冲劲的想要达到你想要达到的。你刚才说的计划。。。”

感谢她以她生活当成借镜,让我反观未来动向和生活。也庆幸她找回方向,找回自己,只愿她更能照顾自己。祝福她。 :-)

Friday, 4 September 2015

Touching Moment (4 September 15)

After acquired the illness, it is hard for him to tell the family members about his condition. Thus, he asked doctor temporary not to tell the family members. 

Due to patient's right and understanding on the patient's feelings, medical staffs agreed to help him temporary make it confidential. On top of waiting the patient ready to disclose, they provide all the test and treatments to maintain his health condition, until he is ready for the next phase of treatments. 

Appreciate them for following on the patient's pace, respect his decision and dignity. Proud of being part of the team. =)

Thursday, 3 September 2015

今天之小感动(3 September 15)~~~




紧急时刻,舍己为人,并不是那么容易做到的。祝福他。 :-)

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Touching Moment (2 September 15)

"I can no longer see her smiling, running around, hug me... Although I want to see her around, I can't bear to see her suffer..." said the father.

Although the parents painfully said want to let go, the doctors still do CPR, to buy sometimes for the parents to say goodbye to the child.

After around 10 minutes, her BP goes down again. While doctors approached and ask whether want to continue CPR. The mother just shake her head, spending last moment together with her.

Is a very difficult decision for parents, but they all hope for the best for the child, wish her peace and happy.

Wish them well.

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Touching Moment(1 September 15)

The moment I received the call from emergency, already know that the baby already passed away, but the mother is from far, no one here to support them.

While being with the mother, a medical officer who comes together with the baby always in the picture. Besides providing a clear explanation on the patient's condition, she is also very caring and humanistic. Although it is hard to accept the lost of baby, at least she tried to ease the pain of lost.

Glad to meet such a passionate doctor. :-)

Monday, 31 August 2015

今天之小感动 (31 August 15) ~~~



今天之小感动(30 August 15)~~~


值得庆幸的是,马来西亚并没有走入那现象,也很不希望看到我们会走到这地步。对于抗争, 还是和平的表达民愿。

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Touching Moment(27 August 15)~~~

No doubt is another tiring day, but still I received cares from colleagues and friends. 

Colleague A brought us layer cake for breakfast. 
Colleague B brought us Nasi Dagang for lunch. 
Friend shared with me Barli water. 

Being blessed by all the nice people besides me. =)

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Touching Moment (26 August 15)

"Take her to the moon for me, Ok?"

Well, this definitely hit me. Great job for producers and the team of Inside Out!

Lesson learnt: To enjoy life, we need to learn how to embrace our sadness. :-)

Touching Moment (25 August 15)

While working, a friend dropped me a message, saying that they are nearby and would like to have lunch with me together.

Well, I must say I rarely have visitor in my workplace, glad to temporary distress and recharged :-)

Monday, 24 August 2015

Touching Moment (24 August 15)

"My husband passed away one year ago. He treated me very well. He never scold me, raise the children together with me.

The children are very filial to me, but still, I miss him so much.."

Even though the person might no longer in this world, sweet memory is still with her, love is still with her. :-)

Sunday, 23 August 2015

Touching Moment (23 August 15)

Because of my careless, I have nearly lost my motor. Appreciate my friend for making efforts in helping me. :-)

Recently the incidents recently have reminded the phrase I read before, sound like

"The more often we see the things around us - even the beautiful and wonderful things - the more they become invisible to us. That is why we often take for granted the beauty of this world: the flowers, the trees, the birds, the clouds - even those we love. Because we see things so often, we see them less and less.
Joseph B. Wirthlin"

Saturday, 22 August 2015

Touching Moment (22 August 15)

There are wishes the deceased hope to fulfill. Although they might not able to see their wishes are granted, they will be glad if they know the family become united and more caring because of them.

Hope that these positive changes will sustain and improve. :-)

Friday, 21 August 2015

今天之小感动(21 August 15)~~~



今天,对着电脑修 paper,累了,就小睡。听着风声,伴着雨奏,是难得的写意。 :-)

PS: 可惜我睡太久会头疼,还是劳碌命啊。 @@

Thursday, 20 August 2015

今天之小感动(20 August 15)~~~



一起加油。 =)

Touching Moment (19 August 15)

Thanks for the message, care and concern given. You all know who you are, appreciate it. :-)

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Touching Moment (18 August 15)

"Make sure you close your phone, just do what ever you needs for you and your family to heal."
"We will cover you these few days, keep your mind off job."

Appreciate the supports from my colleagues.. :-)

Monday, 17 August 2015

今天之小感动(17 August 15)~~~



她常问:“吃饱了吗?别骗我啊~ 别忘记吃啊~”

她说:“要找女朋友/老婆,千万不要找会胡乱花钱的,No good。”等




Friday, 14 August 2015

Touching Moment (14 August 15)

During admission, she ask her friends and family not to feel worry, everything will be all right. 

After discharged, her family and friends told her, "Of course we will worry, but we know our worry and anxious will create more anxious, and we wish to give you confident, that's why we didn't show our worry in front of you!" 

Every one have their own ways to show their love and care, hope the one who received can sense the concern. =)

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Touching Moment (13 August 15)

Facing various challenges, making me slightly headache on how to manage on the situations.

Debrief it to my friend, she said: "Giving stress to yourself again?"

Yup, stress is derived from expectation from self and others. Thanks for her reminder. Well, de-role, self care! :p

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Touching Moment (11 August 15)

Counseling non stop from 9.30 am until nearly 5 pm and skip our lunch, the moment intern and I back to office, totally exhausted and brain totally cannot function. @@

However, while debriefing each other, feel fruitful on what we have done, especially accompany the parents to go through journey for around 5 hours, start from the patient become very ill, cpr, passed away, denial until send the deceased to mortuary.

After work, reward myself with movie alone, at least enjoy Moment of peace with myself :-P

Monday, 10 August 2015

Touching Moment (10 August 15)

While I am still at home, already received call from hospital. Once reached, no time for breakfast, already start my long day.

Even though the patient's sudden collapse, the family was emotional and scolding others, yet they allowed me to be with them, guiding them to do the necessaries.

I know trust needs to be built by consistency, care and concern, and I also know how hard for someone to trust others. Appreciate trust given by them..

Sunday, 9 August 2015

今天之小感动(9 August 15)~~~


虽然萍水相逢,却也舒适愉快。 :-)

Friday, 7 August 2015

Touching Moment (7 August 15)

"Aiyo... My son is useless o, I tell you, he ~~~."

Listening on the story of this grandma, slowly, I try to guide her to reflect on how the son accompany her through out this one month hospitalization.

" ya, he help me message my leg."
" ya, he bought me home oxygen."
" ya, he... "

At the end, she smiles. With proud, she said, "No doubt, he is a filial son.."

Sometimes, we get to use to the contribution from others. Behind their acts, there are care and love. :-)

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Touching Moment (6 August 15)

When he is in intensive care, his down syndrome symptoms made his journey of recovery more challenging. Although I pay a few visits and try to interact with him, he never responds to me.

Today when he moves to normal ward, again try to talk with him. At first, again he still ignore me. After that, slowly he try to shake hands and interact with me.

"He knows who is patient and cares for us," the mother said.

Yup, he just needs our patient and care. I can do it, so do you all. :-)

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Touching Moment (5 August 15)

“If I have the ability, I won't want my father to be in nursing home.

I am the only breadwinner in the family, and now my father's condition is deteriorating. My mum is too old to take care my father.

What I want is to make my father as comfortable as possible.."

Sometimes, there are stories behind choices. We need to understand their story before judging their choice..

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Touching Moment (4 August 15)

Sharing session in UTAR again gives me times to reflect my journey in IJN.

Appreciate my friend's invitation and kind hospitality. Hopefully patients and families messages have sent across to the students, make them better helper in the future. :-)

Monday, 3 August 2015

Touching Moment (3 August 15)

During counseling session, I get to know that they are from far and no relatives stayed around KL. 
At the same time, they wished to download prayer songs so that their child in ICU can listen the songs to get the spiritual support. However, due to all the obstacles they faced, they could not find the resources. 

After the session, I asked them to wait for a moment, get my laptop and do all the necessaries transfer for them. As I know, what they needed is not only professional counseling session to deal with their emotions, but also human care and kindness to face with their difficulties. 

Wish them all the best.. 

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Touching Moment (2 August 15)

After buying goods from hypermarket, I headed back to my motor. Underestimate the amounts of items I bought, I faced some difficulties in arranging the items.

Suddenly, there is a young man greets me, then helping me with the arrangement.

At first I was a bit caution, later appreciate his kindness. He could just walk away, yet he showed his helping hands without asking for return. :-)

Thursday, 30 July 2015

Touching Moment (30 July 15)

Before meeting, have a quick follow up with my patients. 

Even though can't have a good chat with them, they still bless me with a great smile, providing me energy to go through a long meeting today. =)

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Touching Moment (29 July 15)

After the operation, her heart condition is stable, but her lung condition cause her stay in ICU for over a month.

Doctors and nurses wish to help her get out from this condition, but also aware on their financial issues, thus they called us to have a discussion with family, to find out other alternative to help the patient.

Proud of them that they treat not only the heart, but also try to take care the quality of life of the patients and families. :-)

Touching Moment (28 July 15)

The moment reached the hospital, I have seen someone familiar outside the mortuary.

Recall the diagnosis of the patient, I think i already knew the reasons. Still to make sure, I quickly rush to the office, check on the system, then rush to the mortuary again.

Have some soft chat with the family. Although the grief is still there, glad that now the family able to plan the future.

Before I left, wish and shake hands with them. Don't know why, a phrase just come into my mind.

"Dua tangan bertemu, dua hati bersatu."

Hope that they will able to move on.

Monday, 27 July 2015

Touching Moment (27 July 15)

"What is the moment you feel that you are most proud of yourself in your life?"

Thinking for few seconds, he answered " the moment I marry my wife."

"Although we have some arguments from time to time, she is the best gift I have ever have in my life." :-)

Friday, 24 July 2015

Touching Moment (24 July 15)

"The moment when I thought I am going to pass away, the only thing I worry is without me, can my children earn their own living?"

"I have contribute all the EPF for my children to study, but yet I am not sure they are able to survive in this society."

Although he has done a lot for the children, he never tell and show his love verbally. We can only sense their love and care through the action and sacrifice.

It is my honor to listen to the story of great father. :-)

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Touching Moment (22 July 15)

Everyone have their own ways in contributing to society.

They are not consider wealthy, having a food stall earn as living. Yet during some special occasion, they will go to orphanage home and old folks home, cook for them for free.

Although for a lot of people, it seems like nothing worth to mention. However, as Mother Teresa said,
"Not all of us born to do great things, but we can do small things with great love." :-)

Monday, 20 July 2015

Touching Moment (20 July 15)

They lived at City for over 10 years, initially thought of settle down there.

After sometimes, they found that it is not a suitable place for the children to grow up. To provide them a better place, even thought their age are close to 40, they still willing to give up their career in city and start over again in other place.

For them, it is worthwhile, as they gained back their precious time with family. :-)

Sunday, 19 July 2015

Touching Moment (19 July 15)

No doubt it is our bounden duty to help the disabled, yet they still could be functional in their life.

In a shopping mall, the lady was walking with crutches, and family member is patiently waiting her.

Neither the family rush her through nor treat her like unable to care on herself. Even though with physical disability, they still empower her with trust and love. And I believe that this is what she needs. :-)

Touching Moment (18 July 15)

Bringing parents to have a walk in the place I live for few years is an interesting experience.

The places I used to go became the places that make them amazed. The experience remind me that if we have been in a place for too long and not mindful, we might forget to appreciate what we have right now.

“We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.” – Anonymous

Thursday, 16 July 2015

Touching Moment (16 July 15)

It is a beauty to see wishes and blessing to circulate around us, no matter in reality or technology worlds.

Our world needs more kindness, love and forgiveness, from you and me. :-)

Wishing Muslim friends Selamat Hari Raya!

Please forgive me if I have done anything that offense you. Wish you all have a safe journey and pleasant holiday! :-D

Touching Moment (15 July 15)

Approaching Raya, we starts to have Raya mood, planning to have pleasant holidays with our family and love one.

Yet, they are still some staffs, staying back during the holidays, supporting other staffs, helping patients and families.

Appreciate their contribution! :-D

Sunday, 12 July 2015

Touching Moment (11 July 15)

In a theme park, there is a 2 year old child running around. At first, he is appeared left unattended, but looking around, I can see his family members is watching and try to keep a certain distance so that they won't lost him.

It is very inspiring to see the family pays efforts to let the child explore his world by himself, building his esteem, but if any danger happen to the child, they will always be there for him. :-)

Saturday, 11 July 2015

Touching Moment (10 July 15)

" Keith, I have a referral for you. A patient is diagnosed as ???, and she need to redo surgery.

But the patient seems like not understand her barrier, and I worry if she didn't go for her surgery, her life will be in danger, can you guide her and family accordingly?"

I am glad to work with doctors who have passion with patients. She could just let the patients go with her decision after her normal explanation and procedure, but yet she is concern and wish to do more to the patient.

So grateful of their passions :-)

Thursday, 9 July 2015

Touching Moment (9 July 15)

"Every times we see you, you are always smiling," said the patients.

"Well, you won't want to see me angry and crying right?" ;-)

" Of course not. And thanks for your smile. Your smile is very warm that brighten up our days in hospital."

Err... It might be flattery, but I still feel touch and happy. This is what I wish to do, to give a little energy for the patients and families to hold on, and we can do that with our smiles.

I believe all of us can do that too? Don't we? :-)

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Touching Moment (8 July 15)

"Thanks to you, because of you, it prevent me from arguing with my mom"

"I always feel that my mum didn't understand and support me, after that only I know she just don't want me to suffer, wish me to have a stable and peaceful life."

Feel so grateful that she is able to come out from her thinking cycle and be empathize to her loved one. =)

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Touching Moment in my Life (7 July 15)

After stroke, his personality has changed from loving and caring to impatient, and sometimes even aggressive.

This is difficult for the family members to take it, especially his wife who has been with him for over 40 years. But yet, they are still holding on and take care the patient for years. Facing with someone you loved that always scold you all the times, it is never easy.

In the middle of the session, I shared with the wife, saying that : "aunty, yesterday you cook something for uncle is it? He kept on mentioning about this, and feel very proud of it!"

Now I can see smile showed on her face, and it makes the session smooth afterward. Even though aunty felt hard to cope with the situation, but as long as she feels appreciation and loves, it is worth to fight for her love one. :-)

Monday, 6 July 2015

今天之小感动(6 July 15)~~~



感恩,需要时,还是有人提醒我,该照顾自己了。 :-)

Sunday, 5 July 2015

今天之小感动(5 July 15)~~~





之后,妈妈来了,看他们一家三口在用着餐。工作当儿,也不忘家庭时光,感觉很是温馨。 =)

Friday, 3 July 2015

今天之小感动(3 July 15)~~~



会心一笑,感恩,孩子的笑声把我从工作带回生活。 =)

Thursday, 2 July 2015

今天之小感动(2 July 15)~~~




PS: 这样的成就似乎不该太多,不然身体会和我吃不完兜着走~

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

今天之小感动(1 July 15)~~~


仔细谈起,原来他们的家人前两天心脏停顿了好些时间,这医生一直不停的做着CPR ,虽然目前为止她还没脱离危险期,不过他们感受到医生的用心了。

Tuesday, 30 June 2015

今天之小感动(30 June 15)~~~




Monday, 29 June 2015

今天之小感动(29 June 15)~~~


有一阵子,心态是有落差。不过,一阵子后,反观一切, 虽然不是以辅导方式亲自帮助病人,以开会方式设立系统,改善制度,不也是帮助别人的另一个方式?

还好,同事们还是谅解,“谢谢你为我们出席那么多会议。” “其他的事项,我们可以帮忙。” 是有让我感到安慰的。祝福他们 :-)

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

今天之小感动(23 June 15)~~~




感恩,我还拥有这份看似简单,确是珍贵的礼物。 =)

Monday, 22 June 2015

今天之小感动(22 June 15)~~~




幸福,是一个可以让自己开心,让别人开心的能力。 ;)

Sunday, 21 June 2015

今天之小感动(21 June 15)~~~

因 sales 情况盛行,久没联络的朋友联络上,总会担心是否另有目的。

不过一些朋友,就算久别重逢,也可以坦诚相对。因为就懂对方的性格,率性而为。能单纯的是朋友,感觉很好。 :-)

今天之小感动(20 June 15)~~~



还能随性的性格,仍然给我生命送上不同的礼物。感恩。 :-)

Friday, 19 June 2015

今天之小感动(19 June 15)~~~


“你在医院工作吧? 你知道哪里可以捐献大体或器官吗?可以帮我拿表格吗?我想捐献。”


“我代替病人,谢谢你们。” =)

Thursday, 18 June 2015

今天之小感动(18 June 15)~~~


早上塞车时,还没吃早餐的我肚子打着鼓。突然灵机一闪,想起好友给我从台湾的饼干和巧克力还没吃完,成了及时雨,给我补充了能量。 感恩。 :-)

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

今天之小感动(17 June 15)~~~





Tuesday, 16 June 2015

今天之小感动(16 June 15)~~~


她分享经验时,说下山时,她差点滑倒,她的 mountain guide和她说别怕,他会照顾她。那时候的她,心里怀疑着,是否他会弃她不顾。


敬,这些高尚灵魂! :-)

Monday, 15 June 2015

今天之小感动(15 June 15)~~~



在辅导领域我的专业还可以,在生活细节上,进步空间太多。 :-P

Sunday, 14 June 2015

今天之小感动(14 June 15)~~~

今年还没端午节(刚才连端午节几月几号都不知道 ><) ,

毕竟在他们准备的时候,脑海中有我,给我传递祝福。感恩。 =)

今天之小感动(13 June 15)~~~



缘聚缘散,每次的相聚都不是理所当然的,感恩,我们仍然有这福气。 :-)

Saturday, 13 June 2015

今天之小感动(12 June 15)~~~

“你知道吗? 其实在那灾难发生的时候,我的父亲正在ICU里面。”


“人生很多时候可以由自己选择,当然你可以把你的人生变成很Dramatic,不过你也可以选择以平稳的心态,还给自己安然的人生。” 她是这样说的。


Thursday, 11 June 2015

今天之小感动(11 June 15)~~~

前阵子pendrive 坏了,其中一个实习生结束实习前给我送了另一个pendrive 谢谢我。


在察觉自己需要什么之前,别人已先行一步察觉我的需要,并给我送上了。我还是挺幸运的,感恩。 =)

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

今天之小感动(10 Jun 15)~~~

回到办公司,看到一袋的Nasi Dagang,会心一笑,肯定是其中一个同事又请客了。


这心意,心领了。 =)

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

今天之小感动(9 Jun 15)~~~


感恩,亲爱的家人和好友仍然在身旁。 =)

Monday, 8 June 2015

今天之小感动(8 June 15)~~~

塞车回到来,三点半的巴士到 Pudu 车站已经是深夜十二点多。虽然疲累,却也庆幸没下雨,可以去骑 motor回家。

走到 motor 那里,发现 helmet 不见了,寻找了一阵子后,静默五秒钟,认命承认 helmet 被偷了。

刚好有另一个年轻人要骑 motor 离开,问他附近哪里有卖 helmet,虽然心里知道深夜有卖才奇怪。

那年轻人知道我的故事后,说他在柜台工作,他朋友似乎有 extra helmet,并给他朋友打了电话。

他朋友过来时,突然问了我一句,你的 helmet 什么颜色? “深蓝色,”奇怪的回他后,他突然拿一个 helmet 问,是不是这个?


原来,他的 helmet 之前也不见,他心有不甘的要抓小偷,发现了是吸毒者要偷我的 helmet。追赶之间,小偷丢了我的 helmet,这朋友却不知道是哪个 motor 的 helmet,所以暂时保留着。


PS:这年轻人是 Pudu bus counter 44 to 46的 Adam, 我要给他们报酬他们也不收,或许以后各位也可以光顾他们 ;-)

Sunday, 7 June 2015

今天之小感动(7 June 15)~~~



关心和了解,是维持情谊的桥梁。 :-)

Saturday, 6 June 2015

今天之小感动(6 June 15)~~~




一瞬间奇怪,不过之后会心一笑,毕竟现在过着是自己喜欢的生活。感恩 =)

Friday, 5 June 2015

今天之小感动(5 June 15)~~~






Thursday, 4 June 2015

今天之小感动(4 June 15)~~~






Wednesday, 3 June 2015

今天之小感动(3 June 15)~~~




Tuesday, 2 June 2015

今天之小感动(2 June 15)~~~

“我们 apartment 旧的assess card 要还了,如果你不方便的话我帮你吧! ”


谢谢身边总有一些直接间接帮助我的人。 :-D

Monday, 1 June 2015

今天之小感动(1 June 15)~~~





Sunday, 31 May 2015

今天之小感动(31 May 15)~~~




Saturday, 30 May 2015

今天之小感动(30 May 15)~~~



期望像如此美的社会情景,更常出现。 =)

Thursday, 28 May 2015

今天之小感动(28 May 15)~~~








Wednesday, 27 May 2015

今天之小感动(27 May 15)~~~

"People believe the world will end, but refuse to do anything about it. "

" We make our own dark predictions come true because we don't do anything to fix the planet."


Tomorrow land 提醒我,我们一直消极的预料着不好的事情发生,指责漫骂,却少有人改变。


Tuesday, 26 May 2015

今天之小感动(26 May 15)~~~








Monday, 25 May 2015

今天之小感动(25 May 15)~~~



深深给她们的进步和热忱感染着,也给了我另一个形式的recharge。 感谢她们。 =)

Sunday, 24 May 2015

今天之小感动(24 May 15)~~~




Saturday, 23 May 2015

今天之小感动(23 May 15)~~~



“你知道为什么现在的我有现在的成就吗? 因为那时候有你们的帮忙!”

我想,这也成为她其中一个力量,让她一直在助人行业当中不断前进。祝福他们。 :-)

Friday, 22 May 2015

今天之小感动(22 May 15)~~~



夜里, 驾着车回家,看着另一辆车飞快的从我车旁飞过。之前的我,会皱着眉头,感慨他们不注重安全。今晚的我,想起了早上的父亲,没有了对飞车的烦躁,唯有愿他安全。